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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  January 29, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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the decision by the senate left only three members voting nay. who they are tells you a lot. most importantly how excellent this disappointment was for the president. one was cruz. how interesting. here are two people who fought for their country, been in it, the vietnam war who've been awarded medals. ted cruz was never serving in the military but insists these veterans don't deserve the offices to which the president has appointed them. don't you just love these people? they don't like the military enough to join it. they dump on people who have served then have the brass to call for more wars. in fact, a regular flow of wars. asked the typical hawk, he thought a bad idea. putting our marines into lebanon, somalia. they like them all. not only that but they are always ready for another. iraq, yes. afghanistan, yes. iraq again, yes. iran, let's go! why do people listen to these types? why the knee jerk salute every time one of these hawks itches
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for another conflict? i'm glad we've got kerry as secretary of state now. for the same reason there is still a perez. i'm glad we had ike in the 1950s to keep us out of indochina. because of the people who have seen war, felt it, been in it, been hurt by it are the very people i want deciding on when and whether we go to another. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "politicsnation" with al sharpton starts right now. thanks, chris. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead. the time has come. today president obama unveiled his vision for immigration reform. his vision for a nation that gives people the rights they deserve. that's what the election was all about. that's what the president promised in his inaugural address. that's why millions of americans
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said se on election day. the truth is immigrant rights are civil rights. this is not an issue that should divide us. and the president made that point today. >> it's easy sometimes for the discussion to take on a feeling of us versus them. and when that happens, a lot of folks forget that most of us used to be them. we forget that. [ applause ] >> it's important for us to remember our history. unless you're one of the first americans you came from some place else. somebody brought you. >> you came from some place else. somebody brought you here. that's the american story. that's what this debate has been about.
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>> all those folks before they were us, they were them. and when each new wave of immigrants arrived, they faced resistance from those who were already here. they faced hardship. they faced racism. they faced ridicule. but over time as they went about their daily lives, as they earned a living, as they raised a family, as they built a community, as their kids went to school here they did their part to build a nation. >> they built the nation and a new generation of immigrants is still building the nation today. today the president endorsed the principles of a new senate plan put forward by both democrats and republicans. it calls for a tougher border security and a path to citizenship.
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but he also made it clear that congress must act now. >> this time action must fault. we can't allow immigration reform to be bogged down. we've been debating this for a long time. if congress is unable to move forward in a timely fashion, i will send up a bill based on my proposal and insist that they vote on it right away. >> 11 million people have labored in the dark of a shadowy economy for too long. husbands and wives are afraid to be torn apart. children are afraid their parents will be deported. our lawmakers should finally bring them into the light. joining me now is richard wolffe and victoria defrancesco soto. let me go to you. immigration reform is now inches
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closer to what is happening. is this true in your opinion that we are seeing what is actually inching closer and closer into reality? >> reverend, it won't be easy, but i do believe it will happen. this is a very strong initiative that we see being put forward by both the bipartisan senate committee and by the president. and it is so strong. because it is a piece of legislation that has learned from the mistakes of the past two immigration reforms. so in 1965, the heart seller act focussed on family reunification but ignored workers and the need for workers to come to the u.s. that's really the main route of documented immigration today. with the immigration reforming control act, it put forward employer sanctions. but it had no teeth. so we saw the big failures of both of these immigration reforms. and the plan by the president -- >> well, what makes this
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different? why will we not see it different now? because one of the things i think the president hit right on the head is we got to deal with the fact that people have this convenient amnesia about their own roots with this us against them. when most americans other than native americans were either brought here or their forefathers came here. and now there's this un -- this arrogance, this unwarranted and unearned arrogance that we're looking at others when others are us just a generation or two again other than those of us brought here. so why do you think that we will have a different result this time? >> well, because the failures of the past two immigration reforms, he's allowing for that. he's saying look, we have a demand for people. we're going to allow that through normalizing the status of people who are already here. and also through guest worker programs.
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and if you're breaking the law and letting people work for you illegally, we are going to sanction you and we're going to put those mechanisms into place. but that was really brilliant was what the president did rhetorically was really bring the human connection to it. he was reminding people of irish descent, polish descent, people of all immigrant descents that they too are immigrants. he's also going through the emotional pulling at the heart strings aside from the policy mechanisms. >> richard, isn't that effective because too often this is framed as a latino issue? >> sure. >> and when the president reminds people, wait a minute immigration is about everybody. i'm talking about your great grand dad. everybody came here from somewhere else. this is not just about latinos or trinidadians or jamacians or
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africans. and i think th >> the president is trying to move it forward quicker. but employers like the status quo because they like to exploit the undocumented ones. more responsible ones are saying we need more reform. this whole debate is changing. as president he has to counter the talk radio nativist folks who scuffled the last deal. it was talk radio that stopped it then. he and rubio and john mccain, they all need to go out there and move this on to a much more human level far different kind of discussion. they're not just undocumented people, they are family members living with us. >> and as he said have gone through ridicule and racism and everything else and built a family and helped build a
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country. and we're talking about children afraid their parents will be gone. we're talking about married couples split. we act as though in most cases these people are exploited. they're not here exploiting. and i think that was a key message in the speech today. >> you know, they are immeshed in our economy and daily lives. let's face it, even mitt romney was employed undocumented workers. it touches every part of our society. to have a president give voice to that is important for the debate. >> the key here is the path to citizenship. that's going to be the critical point both in the senate bipartisan proposal and what the president is saying. how does that move, you're dealing with this saying we're going to secure the borders with more aggression. but the pathway to citizenship. the president's saying do it now. they're saying let's do it after some steps. how do we marry the two?
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where's the common ground going to come? >> correct, reverend. that is the main difference between the two plans. at least as far as this morning, we haven't seen any details about what the senate wants in terms of determining that the border has been secured. $18 billion went into border security in 2012. that's over twice as much as we were spending in 2003. we know president obama has deported record numbers of folks. so how much tougher can we get on the border? we've seen immigration rates decrease. you know, instead of working harder just throwing more money at the issue, what the president is focusing on is let's be smarter about it. let's focus on the technology to track illegal immigrants who are already here. let's think about using technology on the border. so the president can make a very strong case. i'm not too worried about that. i think that's the republican senators trying to look tough for their own party. >> now, richard, let me share
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this with you. that kind of struck me. a conservative latino group released a memo with some advice to republicans on how to talk about the issue. and in it they admonished them don't use phrases like this. don't use send them all back. elect fence. anchor baby. illegals. reagan. because he gave citizenship to immigrants back in the 1980s. i mean, it's almost like we know you guys aren't really serious and we know you are really have no information at all on how to relate to people. so let's tell you little things you shouldn't say. i mean, this is pitiful. >> it is. it's sad. it's also funny in a way. if it weren't real human beings we were talking about and wasn't so offensive, you would say this is some kind of joke, right? people obviously have a long way to go in terms of their understanding of who -- what
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kind of communities they're living in. and by the way, if republicans think that this alone will win them latino votes whether it's the language or even the policy, they're not looking at the right polls. latinos even more than immigration reform and you could talk to this. they want education to be better. they want better jobs. they want better health care. republicans have to not just talk about this, not just pass this legislation, but appeal to latino voters. >> they must deal with all americans. richard, will this happen? you watched this with bush. is it going to happen this time? >> i think it will happen this time. and i can say as an immigrant and citizen of this country, i think it's good for this country. this country has a huge and fantastic tradition of welcoming immigrants. this is another new chapter in that history. >> thanks for your time tonight. >> thank you. coming up, the second term campaign got a major jolt today
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and boost. it didn't happen in vegas though. we'll explain. and file this one under can't make it up. dick cheney, the guy who shot a friend of his in the face is talking gun safety. they don't think this is a problem? plus as she gets ready to leave her job, hillary clinton is talking about her dancing. great show ahead. stay with us. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat?
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have you joined the "politicsnation" conversation on facebook yet? we hope you will. today we asked our facebook fans what gift they'd give paul ryan for his birthday. sherry says how about a calculator. his figures sure don't add up. lorain says a one-way ticket to newt's moon colony. and susana says an early retirement so he has more time to enjoy ayn rand. we have more love for paul ryan coming up. but first we want to hear what you have to say and you weigh in too. please head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. [ coughs ] [ angry gibberish ]
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just eight days into his second term, the president is pushing his agenda hard. he's proposing immigration reform. charging ahead on gun control. and today more signs of the economy ready to take off. on wall street the dow is closing in on 14,000. up more than 5,600 points from when he took office. corporate profits are up 171%. that's twice as high as they were under gop hero ronald reagan. and on main street, jobless claims are at a five-year low. this is positive change, but you better believe it's causing chaos in the gop.
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let's bring in krystal ball and abbey huntsman. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thanks, reverend. >> i can't hear. >> somebody has to fix abby's mic while we talk to you krystal. krystal, how does a growing economy impact the president's second term agenda? give me the politics of this. >> well, i think the very fact we're able to look at things like immigration reform and climate change is a sign it is getting better. considering how we came in and were falling off a cliff economically, there was little room for the public to embrace anything that they could see tangibly. the fact we now have space in our conversation to talk about things that are also critical and at their core are also economic issues. but it shows that we have come a long way in terms of economic impacts. and of course the other obvious
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thing here is republicans spent such a long time railing against the economy blaming the president for the economy. now we see that his policies have actually worked but they are moving us forward, that we are coming out of this slump. so it takes away a lot of that ammunition as well. >> now, abby, we see that even a gallup poll says americans are feeling more positive about the economy, more positive than they have since january of 2008. yet the gop came out from the beginning slamming the president's handling of the economy. listen to this. >> this president tried, but he didn't understand what it takes to make our economy work. >> we have a president who believes in a european socialist model. >> we got a president living at 1600 pennsylvania avenue that just doesn't understand our economy. >> this might be the last election to turn the nation around before we go down the road to socialism. president obama and his socialist policies must be stopped.
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>> so the gop's slamming the president hard. they were supposed to be the gop fix-it party on the economy. your father was ridiculed by the far right for saying he could work along with the president. now that the economy's coming back from wall street and even signs on main street and areas that have been deprived, have the gop ruined their chance of coming back here? >> this is a very big deal for republicans. let's say, let's look four years ahead and say the economy continues to improve. the american people are honestly going to see the democrats and say we trust them on the economy and that we have some numbers to show for it. so the republicans have become very vulnerable of losing on the economy. what are the bread and butter issues of the republican party? that's limited freedom and the free market system. and those are two things, their key messaging that they are
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really losing control of which is so important to -- which is the reason they need to get back as quickly as possible. and the only way to do that is to really come up with their own messaging. i don't know how they remain relevant if the economy continues to improve. what is their messaging at that point? four years from now they're going to have little to come back with. >> not only four years from now but what about the midterm elections? and the fact you're talking about next year, the midterm elections. and if the economy continues to grow and unemployment starts going down, they have a real problem on this, krystal. and one sign that they don't know what to do is they literally seem to be cracking up. i mean, losing it. look at what glenn beck did yesterday. >> okay. >> this is one of those things you can't explain, you must show it. >> . >> it's tough. hello, america. we got a man down here.
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happened shortly before we we want on the air. he's gone. but here's what the media and the president still don't understand. we're celebrating the death of the establishment gop right along with them. they are refusing to confront the cancer within the party. like some cake? we had this made for us. we're happy that they're dead. progressive light republicans who care about winning more than really anything else. >> he has on the white jacket and he's in the morgue and that's the republican establishment dead. i'm concerned about glenn. >> to be fair, i think glenn has been cracking up for some time now. so i don't think that is a new development. but after 2008, there was this argument that republicans lost because john mccain was not conservative enough. and there was a movement to the right in response to that. the big question after mitt romney lost this time around is
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that is would republicans learn that same lesson that he hadn't been conservative enough despite the fact that on every issue he raised his hand and said no i wouldn't take the 16-1 deal spending cuts to revenue increases. i'm for self-deportation. he was as far to the right as you possibly could be. the idea he wasn't conservative enough is sort of bizarre. but that's apparently where glenn beck has taken this. >> but abby with all the side becking going on, pun intended, david brooks on a more serious side says gop should just completely start over. in his column in "new york times" today he says people almost never change their unyielding narratives or unconscious frameworks. it's probably futile to try to change current b republicans. it's smarter to build a new wing of the republican party. >> i really like this idea.
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i'm glad you brought up this article. i was about to do that. because i think this could be exactly what the republican party needs. the harsh reality here is the fact republicans have not won the popular vote more than once in 2004 since 1988. i mean, these are the stats. this is what we're faced with as a party. so i think this idea of forming a second party, one that is a balanced party, one that can actually travel to the biggest cities around the country and talk about the need for government. yeah, as a republican you can still talk about why we do need government as a country. and you can appeal to people in different demographics that we're not reaching out to today. i don't remember romney traveling to chicago, philadelphia, or new york for example. i think we need to visit those cities just like ronald reagan did and have these frank conversations. i think this idea is exactly what we might need. the tea party took it over a few years ago. i say we take it back over. the part of the party that i think are more appealing to your average american. >> but he did come to new york.
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he came to see donald trump. don't forget. >> that's right. and i have to say. it's easy and there's a lot of shot as a democrat watching the democrat in civil war. but -- by a good party that is competing in the battlefield of ideas. that forces us to be better and make sure we have good ideas as well. so the country is better as a whole if you do have a smart and thoughtful republican party ultimately. >> that's exactly right. rev, i think we can agree the country is at its best. a democrat is not made to be easy. but the country's at its best when both parties are strong and you can have a healthy conversation right now. we all know it's one sided. the republican party is not bringing much to the table. so we could hope the republican party begins to rebuild itself so that it's better for the country and americans. >> the country is better when you have healthy debate with some very reasonable and
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achievable goals and policies. but this madness doesn't help the country. it only furthers the madness. >> there are some that exist somewhere. >> krystal and abby, i'm going to have to leave it there. thanks for your time this evening. be sure to catch krystal on "the cycle" here on msnbc. coming up, who better to talk gun control than the guy who once shot a friend in the face. yes, dick cheney on camera. and paul ryan has some competition in his love for philosopher ayn rand. rand is his love. this is "politicsnation." stay with us. ♪ [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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z. we tackle some serious issues on this show. but tonight we try to find that special someone for philosopher ayn rand. her extreme libertarian view became popular in the 1940s and '50s. the basic idea, forget the poor, the old, the sick. it's every man for himself. and today's extreme crop of republicans just love her.
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so let's meet the contenders. here's candidate number one, senator rand paul. >> i am a big fan of ayn rand. i've read all of her novels. >> nice tribute. but is he any match for candidate number two, paul ryan. >> the reason i got involved in public service by and large if i had to credit one thinking, one person, it would be ayn rand. >> mr. ryan got into public service because of a woman who rejects thinking of others. she would love ryan's makers versus takers philosophy. but what about candidate three, senator ron johnson? >> what do you see as the differences between your ideas and the ideas of ayn rand? >> i'm not sure there are too many differences. but there's more to listen to senator johnson when he reveals what happened when a friend saw the statue of atlas.
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>> there was this big statue on the side of the road for sale. it was atlas and had the world. it was obviously the atlas symbol. he was thinking about buying it. i said absolutely. i'll pay for half of it. >> yes. he bought a statue in honor of rand's book. there's even photographic evidence. there they go. ladies and gentlemen, who will be the winner? who is the biggest ayn rand fan around? is it rand paul? paul ryan? or ron johnson? congratulations, senator johnson. you win the rose. how exciting. but do any of these guys think we'll be impressed that they push a philosophy to ignore people who aren't as lucky as them? that's okay for a book, but it has no place in reality. you can win as many roses as you want, we still got you. we
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president obama is charging ahead on one of the big promises of his second term. gun control. already this year he signed 23 executive actions on gun safety. and he's keeping up the pressure on congress to pass new gun laws. today a big shift from senate majority leader harry reid who famously has been lukewarm on gun control. reid now says he will make sure lawmakers get a chance to vote on reform. >> within my power to bring legislation dealing with gun and violence generally to the floor. >> but of course the right wing doesn't think we need any new gun legislation. just look who's on fox news offering up his wisdom on gun safety. >> i'm worried that in effect what happens here in this situation is that we may end up
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in a situation where you get a proposal or a proposition that does, in fact, threaten the rights of law-abiding americans. >> former vice president dick cheney's worried about gun safety proposal. do he think we forgot about this? >> a hunting accident involving vice president dick cheney. bird shot fired from the vice president's weapon apparently wounded a fellow hunter during a shooting outing on a private ranch in texas. >> mr. cheney sprayed him with shot gun pellets while trying to hit a quail. >> apparently the vice president then took a shot at a bird from a second kcoffey of quail. >> the man who shot his friend in the face is now the gop's expert on gun safety. that friend recovered. cheney's reputation never did. >> 78-year-old harry
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whittington, the first person shot by a sitting veep since alexander hamilton. hamilton, of course, was shot in a duel with aaron burr over issues of honor, sbeg rety and political maneuvering. whittington was mistaken for a bird. >> this country needs real solutions on guns. now. joining me now is dana milbank. dana, did fox news just miss the irony of dick cheney talking about gun safety proposals? >> well, irony has never been the strong point of the former vice president, but we can say that he has retained his ability to shoot from the hip. but he -- he's -- he is a remarkable spokesman on this issue. we can be pleased that he did not as harry whittington is happy he did not have an assault gun that day in the woods. but i suspect that the
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republicans will not bring him out as their main spokesman on the gun issue henceforth. >> but, you know, what has really caught my attention, in just three weeks democrats in the house and of course in the senate have already proposed several laws to combat gun violence from child gun access prevention to senator feinstein's assault weapons ban proposal. democrats have introduced 12 bills dedicated to gun safety. but then you see the extreme right, the ugliness on the other side. example, yesterday nia helsin who's the father of a 6-year-old killed in sandy hook testified at a hearing on gun violence. this is the father. lost a 6-year-old kid in the school in newtown. as he was talking, he was actually heckled by a gun activist. listen to this. >> why?
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anybody in this room needs to have one of these assault style weapons or military weapons or high-capacity clips. and not one person can answer that question. forgive me. >> second amendment shall not be infringed. >> all right. >> please, please, no comments while mr. heslin is speaking. or we'll clear the room. >> i get it we can disagree on the bills. we can disagree on the interpretation of the second amendment, but we are not even 60 days since this man lost his 6-year-old child for going to school with 19 others and we're going to just had heckle and disrespect him. to me it is amazingly insensitive how the pro-gun
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extremists are on the issue. >> it seems to be a new level of depravity that a man who had gone through that grieving so recently needs to be heckled by second amendment activists. i think it's instructive because it shows why the odds are so stacked against gun control right now. and what harry reid said today is important because the senate is going to have to move on this. you can be sure the house isn't going to do anything if they don't have to. so they have to see what gets through the senate first. and what you see from the outrageousness of a dozen folks heckling the father of the slain child is that side, the program has an intensity that has been generally lacking on the other side. the president, the democrats are trying to maintain that this is why the longer this goes on, the more difficulty they'll have getting this through. but it seems they have momentum on items like the background check. nobody's expecting the assault
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gun ban gets reinstated. >> wait a minute. you say momentum. tell me why you feel momentum and tell me how much momentum. is it enough to really carry some things? >> to carry some things. certainly if the president is investing a lot of political capital in this, he can make this happen. it depends on what he wants to take that political capital away from. is that a jobs bill? is that immigration? can he keep this laser focus on. because you know the nra and its allies are going to be rallying their forces at every turn here. they are going to keep up their intensity. going to be another absurd situation of the nra fresh from making an ad going after the president's children is now going to -- wayne lapierre is going to appear on the hill and come out against simple background checks. >> against simple background checks. it doesn't get any crazier than that. dana milbank, thanks for your time tonight. >> thanks, reverend. coming up, threats to the president's second term agenda.
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and what can -- what you can do. that can be helpful. plus hillary clinton dancing right into history. that's next. ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if we took the already great sentra apart and completely reimagined it with best-in-class combined mpg and more interior room than corolla and civic and a technology suite with bluetooth, navigation, and other handy stuff? yeah, that would be cool. introducing the all-new nissan sentra. it's our most innovative sentra ever. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a $169 per month lease on a new nissan sentra, plus $500 bonus cash. ♪
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siemens. answers. hillary clinton's tenure as secretary of state ends friday. in four years she's become the most traveled secretary of state ever visiting 112 countries, logging nearly a million frequent flier miles. today at her final town hall, she was asked about something else that's happened on the road. >> three times caught dancing on camera. >> oh, dear. yes. that's supposed to be erased from the record. >> oh, no, the video's not erased from the record. it's all still here. we loved seeing you dance the night away in south africa and getting your boogie on with local farmers in malawi. we've seen you unwind after a long day of diplomacy by going
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clubbing in colombia. and we all enjoyed your shimmy shaking in kenya. so we here at "politicsnation" salute the secretary of dance moves. ♪ [ bells jingle ] [ cash register dings ] [ male announcer ] wow. a brave choice. okay, focus. think courage. think shaun white. think how perfect they'll be for outdoor crafts. mr. white. [ male announcer ] they're good for circulation. plus, they're totally practical. yeah, freedom. scan me.
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four years ago today president obama signed his first bill. the lilly ledbetter fair pay act giving women equal pay for equal work. and he kicks off his second term, the fight to protect women and women's rights is alive.
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why? because the gop anti-woman push is relentless. next week the senate will vote on the violence against women act and house republicans are silent. for 18 years his act protected women who were victims of domestic abuse. they might be silent, but the president won't be. joining me now is erin and erica. thank you both for being here tonight. will the gop do the right thing? >> i think they've been backed into a corner. has been taken away. at this point we're just talking about expanded protections for people who need them. lbgt, native americans, so on. so far it looks like house republicans have been on board for the native american provisions. we don't know how they feel --
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generally we know how they feel about lbgt people. i think they've been at this point if they reject the violence against women act, the repercussions will be so great for them that they won't be able to handle it. >> angela, when you look at the act itself, the violence against women act 2013, the new bill reauthorized the violence against women act which includes violence prevention programs, rape crisis centers, hotlines, legal aid. in addition it will protect the lgbt community and native americans. but it relieliminates the visas immigrant victims. only one of them is eliminated. how will this new bill fair in the house? you worked the hill. >> i think first and foremost we're late. it's not even a party. this is about protecting women's safety. this is about ensuring people of
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all walks of life in this country can fend themselves against violent atax. so the fact the gop hasn't allowed the house to take up this measure is ridiculous. at this point the gop is not just off message, they're off their rocker. it's totally unreasonable to act as if they don't have women in their lives, mothers, daughters, wives, sisters, nieces. it's just time for us to pass this measure. and the democrats in the house are putting a lot of pressure. >> at the same time you look at, irin, the personhood of usa. they pushed a campaign to push lawmakers to strip the rape exception from federal abortion laws. this is what they put up. on their website they say quote, are you 100% pro-life even in cases of rape? they go on to say a baby is not the worst thing that can happen to a rape victim. an abortion is.
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>> some of these people will never learn. they lost in mississippi. they lost in colorado. they lost with todd akin. they lost with richard mourdock. they want to talk with a complete lack of compassion for women who have been victims of sexual violence. at this point the rape exceptions that we do have which insurance coverage under federal medical plans for abortion are so narrow, even lots of people who are victims of rape do not actually benefit under them. and they want to strip that away. it shows what absolute lack of compassion they have for the realities of women's lives. >> and angela, if you look at what's going on in the abortion bill in new mexico, it tries to define fetus not as a person but as evidence. state representative kathryn brown introduced a bill that would prosecute doctors who perform abortions for rape victims. they would be charged with a third degree felony for quote, tampering with evidence.
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>> well, what's beyond me, reverend, here in this situation is the fact that republicans want to protect the right to life in some instances and not in others. when you look at things like the death penalty and they don't fight for the right to live in that situation. or the fact that we're having this fight right now about the second amendment. you brought up dick cheney earlier. it doesn't make sense. at some point you have to have your arguments and your message aligned. it's off right now. >> i mean, the one thing that's clear, john boehner made it very clear what the fundamental goal is. watch this. >> it's becoming more and more important for us to share the truth with our young people and encourage them to lock arms, speak out for life, and help make abortion a relic of the past. let that be one of our most fundamental rules this year. >> make abortion a herelic of t past. i don't think you can be clearer than that. >> absolutely not.
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i think we'll see that in his legislative agenda. john boehner is not elected by the majority of american people. the majority of american people want women to have access to safe and legal abortion. they, on the other hand, many in the house republican caucus are elected by people who very much want them to get in the examining room with a woman and legitima legislate what she can and cannot do. they're stuck. >> angela, this means they learned no lessons on their agenda last year that really hurt them with women voters all over this country? >> i don't think they did. you can look at what they did at the beginning of this congress. and that was elect all white male chairs to committees of influence. and when they realize what they'd done the next day, they had candace miller who had never served on house admin as the chair. i think there's not only a message problem, there really is the fact they just don't understand. i don't know what else to do to help them. you know, i don't really necessarily have interest in seeing that work.
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but they're totally off message. they're totally not in alignment with the thoughts and the opinions of the american public. it just doesn't make any sense. >> irin carmon and angela rye, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. still ahead, the president got your vote. and now he needs your help. how can we, the people, how can we help achieve his legacy. that's next. look what mommy is having.
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